Dr Eleanor Drage is a Christina Gaw Post-doctoral Research Associate at the Centre for Gender Studies and a member of the Gender & Technology Research Project team.
Eleanor started her career in financial technology before co-founding an e-commerce company. She graduated with an International Dual PhD from the University of Bologna and the University of Granada in 2019, where she was an Early Stage Researcher for the EU Horizon 2020 ETN-ITN-Marie Curie project “GRACE” (which investigated the production of ‘cultures of gender equality’ in Europe). As part of this project Eleanor helped develop a software application, which communicated intersectional feminist ideas and methodologies to the public. Her publications focus on how humanity defines and constitutes itself both through unstable socio-cultural processes such as race and gender and through fallible technological systems.
Eleanor is particularly interested in how technology can prompt and develop certain kinds of behavioural skills, and how anti-racist and anti-sexist critical theory can be implemented at industry-level to develop ethical and socially transformative technological products. Her work investigates how queer and intersectional methodologies can be applied to improving technological processes and systems. Eleanor is also a Research Associate at Darwin College, Cambridge.
Email Address: ed575@cam.ac.uk
Selected Works
•“‘Bugs’, ‘Broken Binaries’, and Malware: Investigating Gender and the Human in Science Fiction’s Depictions of Technological Malfunction”, Investigating Cultures of Gender Equality, Routledge GRACE Series, Volume 3. (Nov/2021).
•“Performative Assemblages: Race, Gender, and Technology in Science Fiction”, Performing Cultures of Gender Equality, Routledge GRACE Series Volume 2, edited by Emilia M. Durán-Almarza and Isabel Carrera- Suárez, Routledge. (Nov/2021).
•“Making Ends Meet in a Superintelligent Slum: Artificial Intelligence and Economic Precarity in Nicoletta Vallorani’s Il Cuore Finto di DR”, Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research (FAFNIR). (Jun/2020).
•“A Geocritical Exploration of ‘Racial’ and Gendered Spaces in Contemporary Science Fiction”. Women’s Voices and Genealogies in Literary Studies in English. Cambridge Scholars, 2019, pp. 180-192.
•“Science, Myth, and Spirits: Re-inventions of Science Fiction by Women of Colour Writers, Between Africa, Europe and the Caribbean”. Studies on Home and Community Science, vol. 11, no. 2, 2018, pp. 77-85.
•“A Virtual Ever-After: Utopia, Race, and Gender in Black Mirror’s ‘San Junipero’”. Black Mirror and Critical Media Theory, edited by Angela M. Cirucci and Barry Vacker, Lexington Books, 2018, pp. 27-39.
•“The Challenge of Invisible Cities: a Calvinian Adventure through Literature and Contemporary Art”, by Bertrand Westphal. (Post)Colonial Passages: Incursions and Excursions across the Literatures and Cultures in English, edited by Silvia Albertazzi et al., Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, pp. 6-21.
•“In the Hard Times, (and the Good): Solidarities Beyond Race and Gender in Critical Utopian and Dystopian Women’s Science Fiction.” deGenere: Small Islands? Transnational Solidarity in Contemporary Literature and Arts, no. 3, 2017, pp. 34-47.